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The purpose of this module is to equip the primary healthcare provider with knowledge and skills to be able  to:

1.Identify risk factors for head and neck cancers from the patient history
2.Provide appropriate health education on prevention
3.Identify signs and symptoms of Head and Neck cancers
4.Perform a systematic Head and Neck examination
5.Appropriately refer for diagnostics test and management of Head and Neck Cancers
6.Submit report of suspected Head and Neck Cancer cases in KHIS2
7.Explain follow up of patients post completion of active therapy in accordance to the down referral instructions
Enrollments to this course: No
Notification used: Inscription par défaut
Non-access to this course: No
Notification used: Non accès aux cours par défaut
Events link to this course: No
Take into account access restrictions to activities: No
Ignore "date" type restrictions: No
Ignore "group" type restrictions: No
Notification used: Evènement de cours par défaut
Skill Level: Beginner